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The Book of Change
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Changed @ 18:23 - Link - comments
I've taken a break from training this last couple of days. Instead, Ellyana and I have raced around the N'rolav desert, seeing who can find the most glowies. And as usual, Ellyana won our games. Still, the forfeit for losing is something I'm glad to pay.
As in the past, back in the days where we hunted and farmed and played our games on midnight beach, Ellyana seems to attract more creatures than I, and seems to have a better chance of gaining a glowie from a kill. I think the creatures of this land just prefer female adventurers. Maybe I should wear a dress when I farm, perhaps that would help!
It's been, on the whole, a good couple of days, running around without the pressures of training, laughing and matching wits with other members of the guild. Everyone has been affected by the spirit and fun of the festival season, it appears ....
Except for one. As ever, Ellyana's 'friend' continues to play his tricks on her. Now he has taken it upon himself to remind her of the nightmares and terrors of her past. Why he wishes to continue in these practices I do not know. He knows he will get few if any responses from my lady, and this he takes as a sign that she does not want to continue what he sees as a friendship.
Why the gods permit this odious little creature to exist in the lands is beyond me It must be terrible to be so alone, so friendless, such a twisted miserable being that the only way to achieve a response from anyone is to attempt to drag them down into the same bleak cesspit of nothingness which they themselves must inhabit.
I've been doing all I can to keep Ellyana out of the darkness into which this person attempts to drag her. I just have to pray it is enough. As for the other person ... well I don't give a thought for him, except insofar as seeing the harm he does my lady. Maybe some day, we will discover why he keeps up this campaign against Ellyana, though I have the feeling that any reasons he has would make no sense to anyone with an ounce of reason or humanity. We shall see.
Monday, 29 October 2007
Changed @ 17:48 - Link - comments
I returned yesterday from a trip to Denion, the seeming county smith who is actually the best worker in metal and jewels that I know. I wanted a present, something marvellous and unique, for Ellyana's special day.
The reult was the finest work he has produced for me - a small intricately-woven casket of gold and silver, inside which nestled a soulsstone upon which were the figures of unicorns and seahorses picked out in silver, and our two names had been written in gold. A truly wonderful item, and it was a pleasure to see the look on my lady's face when I gave her the gift.
Ellyana officiated at a bonding yesterday - our guild member Fen was bonded to Drake - and the affair passed very well.
Later, Ellyana hunted in N'rolav Caernivale while I trained on the beach below. It was hard training there, I was attacked at almost every step I took. I gained quite a fair bit of experience during the outing.
We met up with Lucy and Keldor, and we all rode the cannon. Ellyana and Lucy both flew across the skies to the same LM. I landed on a bandit in the grasslands, and a moment later Keldor landed next to me. I headed to Fartown and rode the cannon once more - and ended up back on midnight beach!
I caught up with Ellyana in Milltown. She'd been given some TB's by Keldor and Lucy, gifts for her special day. And what gifts they turned out to be! Only two days previously, Ellyana had been saying that she'd never got a crystalline shard from a TB - imagine the expressaion on her face when one of those TB's yielded just that!
Ellyana gave me a superb gift. She had obtained a duelmaster and modified it so that it now holds some of her blessing of light - a wondrous item, for now I need not change my equipment so often when in darker places, and I can dispense with the shield of light I've carried for some time. I'll be able to walk these places carrying my usual two weapons - the rogue's talent on which my fighting style, and ultimately my survival in battle, is based.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Changed @ 14:35 - Link - comments
Spent yesterday training on N'rolav midnight beach while Ellyana hunted for a crystal. It felt good to be training outside once more. Even the tainted air of that beach is better than the musty darkness of the spider lair.
The festive feeling of the current season combined with the roguish sense of humour yesterday. I had the chance to pull a small trick of my own, but I think those who noticed took it too seriously. Still, not to worry, it's sparked an idea that'll maybe help out some who need assistance.
Ellyana and I decided to ride the cannon while we were in Caern, though we both were in desperate need of rest. We agreed to meet up today after resting wherever we landed. Ellyana was fortunate - at least she had a pleasant view of the Verthedge forest while she slept - I ended up in a haystack!
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Changed @ 16:42 - Link - comments
There are a lot of distractions at this time of the year. With Fall Festival in full swing, there are parties, story-telling events, all sorts of diversions. Yet despite all that goes on throughout the festivities, I've been able to put aside some time for training and with the help of Ellyana's healing and blessings have made steady progress. I've hunted down countless spiders in their lair while Ellyana farms close by. As ever, we have not been far from each other's sides. And yesterday, I finally levelled once more.
Throughout the Fall Festival activities we meet up with many adventurers. New friendships are made, old friendships re-established. After the Learned's Tales'n'Ales event, I had one of those welcome but all-too-infrequent opportunities for a brief talk with Matt, who has adopted Ellyana as his sister. It's a comfort to know, when I am not in the lands for some reason, that Matt is there, looking out for my love, and it's an honour to know that he trusts me with her safekeeping.
It's time I ventured out into the lands, to see where my travels will take me at this level. I just hope I can avoid those spiders ...
Monday, 22 October 2007
Changed @ 16:19 - Link - comments
Fall festival party time with the guild!

I returned to the lands in time to give some small help to Ellyana in getting ready for The Learned's night of Tales'n'Ales. My love had been busy while I was away decorating the vineyard ready for the event. The drinks were arranged, so I went hunting for dull crystals - now there's a change actually wanting dull crystals! - so that Lucy could use them to provide food for the guests.
The evening went well. There was quite a crowd there in the vineyard. Many tales were told, much to the enjoyment of the assembly. I even told one myself, though I am not so practiced at the art as others who took part.

After all her work arranging the event, and the worry - Ellyana always worries about these things, though she carries them off wonderfully - the princesss and I sat and chatted in our favourite place for a while before the labours of the previous few days caught up with us and we both drifted off to sleep.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Changed @ 14:41 - Link - comments
I had some arrangements to make at the family home, for soon I hope to take a special visitor there. I've written about the place before. The site of my old home has been changed to a garden with a few trees, a small pool, and a seat next to the graves of my parents. I had to make sure the garden was tidy, and I needed to build another seat.
The work took a couple of days, and once all was finished, I sat for a while. I must have slept. And in that sleep my parents came to talk with me.
'You look well, my son. You seem less careworn than on your previous visits.'
'My life has changed, father.'
'And you no longer carry my belt buckle.' The tone was not accusing, merely questioning.
'No mother. There is someone who now looks after it for me.'
'She must be very special to you, son.'
I told them about Ellyana, how we had met, the trials we had faced together and conquered. I could not help but smile as I talked about my lady.
'Have you forgotten the quest you imposed on yourself?' asked my father.
'I haven't forgotten,' I replied, 'but I have found with Ellyana that love is more powerful than any other emotion.'
'That is good,' said my mother. 'Your thirst for vengeance has consumed too much of your life. You have always remembered and honoured us, Pallas (though of course that was not the name my mother used) and that is enough. It is time for you to move on, you and your lady. She must mean very much to you. I would like to meet the girl who has taken such a hold on your heart.'
'I have asked her, mother. She will come.'
'Then she understands you, son.' said my father. 'And that is important. We will be honoured to meet her.'
'Then you do not mind?' I asked, 'that since I met her I have stopped my search for the man that killed you? I've been troubled by that thought, mother.'
'We understand son. It's better to be filled with love than the bitterness of vengeance. We understand, and we are content.'
I awoke with those words in my mind, and found that one more weight had been taken from me.
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Changed @ 17:30 - Link - comments (1)
I find it strange that recurring themes seem to run through our lives. Similar triumphs bear us up, similar disasters occur to bring us crashing down.
I've written within these pages a number of times about what can happen when communication between people fails, and yet again I find myself in one of those situations. A simple message concerning guild affairs. Now I can read, and I know I can analyse and think clearly, so I'm not too sure how I saw something different in that message from a number of other people. I seem to have read something into it that was not neccessarily there. Another occasion when someone's meaning didn't quite translate into their words, a day when I read those words slightly differently from others ... who knows how these things occur? I guess the number of ways a couple of short sentences can be interpreted is equal to the number of people who read those words.

I trained for a while in the now all-to-familiar spider lair near the N'rolav forest while Ellyana farmed nearby. I still can't stand the sight or sound of those creatures. And yet I return there time and again, for the more I train there now, the quicker I can move on to another area.

Ellyana and I returned to our resting-place. I'd checked and re-dressed the wound on her leg, and externally it appears to have almost completely healed, though she says there is still some discomfort on the inside. Hopefully this second treatment will clear the injury totally.

My lady still has not spoken with the person who continues to harrass her while professing friendship. She will, I know speak with him soon, though she is still unsure of the outcome of that meeting. And I will have to wait until after to find out what transpires, for, true to form, he will not speak with Ellyana if I am around. A strange idea from one who demands to speak with her as soon as possible, then sets conditions which will inevitably delay the meeting. If it wasn't for the anguish he causes my love, I'd suggest to her that she let him wait forever.
Quite why he won't speak with her if I'm around I'm not too sure. After all, I only suggested going along with her as support, for I have no intention of speaking with him. Not for a long time - in fact unless it is for Ellyana's sake I doubt I shall ever have recourse to speak with him at all. I've already written that to me he is a non-existence, and were it not for the pain he causes my lady I'd have no reason ever to waste a moment of my time speaking with him, or wondering how he may be. In the lands or not, alive or dead - unless chance news happens to reach me I shall not know - or care.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Changed @ 06:40 - Link - comments
Party time with Trinald United at Branishor. The event was announced as Fancy Dress, and once more people thronged to the event in the mos timaginative costumes. I threw together a few things to wear, but was totally stunned when I met with Ellyana to go to the event. She'd invented the persona of 'Princess Vampana' for the evening. I don't think I'll ever forget the way she looked, the first time I saw her in that costume.
The evening was hilarious. There was a word puzzle competition and a quiz. The proceedings were accompanied throughout by much good-natured banter between those present. And Ellyana came away from there with two wonderful prizes.

After the event, we returned to our resting-place and talked for some time. Ellyana showed me a scroll she'd been sent. I knew who it was from, and was not much surprised by the tone or content, but there was one thing written there that I knew, more than the rest, had hurt Ellyana deeply.
We spoke of what she might do about this matter. All I could do was to suggest options, but I'm afraid the more I spoke, the less useful my contributions became. And all the while, a few random wild thoughts came to my mind, which I struggled to hide from Ellyana.

She slept eventually, worn out by this persons continual onslaught against her. And as the flames which had totally destroyed that parchment dimly lit the place where we were, they highlighted her face, and I watched the emotions that showed there. Sadness and weariness, the loss of someone who had been close but had changed into someone other than the person she had known. But also, I saw the fire in her spirit and the steel in her soul, and those will see her through this. And I can only hope that my love for her will give her the strength she so desperately needs.
Monday, 15 October 2007
Changed @ 17:26 - Link - comments
A couple of days ago, Merry and Ram bonded. My Lady Ellyana officiated at the ceremony. She was nervous beforehand, but everything went perfectly, as I expected. She always worries so much about these things, wondering what can go wrong, what might happen so that the event is not as perfect as she wishes, concerned that she might let people down in some way. And yet once the proceedings are under way, there is no sign of that doubt or those worries. I stood in the crowd, smiling, bursting with pride for my love as she bonded the couple.

Last evening, Ellyana and I went to the 22 Bahl. It was an enjoyable event, though I must admit that in the crowd, many of whom were in festival costumes, it was difficult to recognise anyone.

So many highs over the last couple of days - the bonding, the Bahl, good progress in training. But where there's a high, there's a low. One of whom I spoke a while ago is playing tricks again. Ellyana is distraught, and I'm at my wits end wondering what he wants or thinks to achieve. I wrote in the past that he might prove me wrong, and become a friend, a man. But it seems, as I suspected, that this will not come to be. He is in fact what I thought he is, though that opinion is something I will not record here. He's not worth the ink I'd use, and he's not worth the small effort involved in thinking what to write.
Ellyana, with her kind heart, may find it in that heart to forgive him once more. But to me, he is a nothing, a non-existence unworthy of thought. So be it.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Changed @ 09:26 - Link - comments (3)
Well, it's been a lively and hilarious start to Fall Festival. I picked up a costume in Milltown and much to my surprise I'm now a Mini N'rolav Beast, just as I was last year - what are the chances of that happening? So I can spend a while running around the lands howling at things and people. Ellyana seems to find it all quite amusing, though she has taken to treating me like some sort of pet - still, best not argue with a mountain goblin, eh?
The outfit I'm wearing has one great advantage, dark creatures seem to be drawn to it, as I discovered in the spider lair and later on N'rolav Midnight Beach. In both places I could hardly take a step without coming face-to-face with one of the creatures that beset the land. Still, the plus side to that is that I'm gaining experience rapidly.
The thought crossed my mind that maybe I should try and get another costume. If I'm to be followed everywhere by a green goblin, I guess I should really be dressed like a spider! But then I don't think I'd feel all that comfortable in such a get-up - as everyone knows, they're not my favourite creatures.
It's amusing to see everyone running around in their festival outfits. It seems to me that the more you try and act like whatever you're dressed as, the more fun you'll have at this time. That's my excuse anyway, so if you see me, don't be alarmed at any howling you hear coming from my direction. Once festival is over, I'll probably need to do the same as last year - spend a week in an inn drinking to soothe my sore throat and waiting for my voice to return.
Ellyana is due to officiate at a bonding later on - I hope all goes according to plan this time.
Friday, 12 October 2007
Changed @ 12:39 - Link - comments (2)
I awoke in time to join Ellyana, Kias and a few others for drinks and chat at Cerbie's. After a while, my lady wanted to go for a walk. We strolled over to find Haggie, for my pack was pretty well laden. What a relief it was to find him! I'd spent a couple of days carrying a load of shields and gemstones, and hadn't realised what a weight I was carrying.
I've been carrying another burden with me for a time, though after a quiet evening talking with Ellyana, that, too, has been lifted from my shoulders.
We decided to see if we could hunt down tokens for the Fall Festival. I searched the wastelands and later, while running through the dark forest, the edge of the crater crumbled under my feet and I tumbled to the bottom. I must have been stunned in the fall, because the next thing I remember is waking today still at the bottom of the crater.
Fall Festival is getting into full swing now. I must remember to take a second look before attacking anything, in case it's actually an adventurer in costume! Soon I'll go to the costumier to see what guise I'll be adopting for a while. I've had a chance to sneak a quick look at Ellyana's costume - she looks quite different, and quite green, but still as gorgeous as ever to my eyes.
Ellyana was supposed to be officiating at a bonding this evening, though I've heard that the ceremony has been posponed or cancelled. It's a shame - there is so much evil in these lands, those who fight for its freedom deserve some happiness.
Sometimes I look at these other adventurers, and wonder. So much pain, so much loss ... then I turn to see Ellyana at my side, to feel her hand in mine, and I know beyond doubt that I hold the greatest treasure in these lands.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Changed @ 12:22 - Link - comments (1)
I hate spiders. Far too many legs. And you have to try and watch all those limbs while you fight one of those hideous creatures, for it only takes one to trip you up or knock you down, then it's all over. I spent some time training in the lair today, and made some decent progress as well as collecting a few trophies.
Ellyana called me - she'd wandered while I was resting, and she'd awoken not knowing where she was. Fortunately she managed to describe her surroundings well enough for me to track her down.
She's in a bad way, my princess. People just keep pushing and taking, with no thought for how she must be feeling. I do what I can for her, but always end up with the feeling that whatever I do it's not enough to wipe away the burdens the land and its people put on her.
We were in a high place. Ellyana fell asleep exhausted. I sat watching her and staring out over a beach and the sea, and must have fallen into a reverie myself.
I found myself on that beach. Beaches and the sea - they've always been such a place of joy for the princess and me. But not this time ...
A tide was coming in, but not a tide of water. A deluge of people known and unknown, a host of adventurers who are in the land now, and some who are gone. This seemingly endless crowd of people pushed and jostled Ellyana and me, and I realised that the crowd and their demands were trying to push my love and myself apart. I called her name, but my voice was drowned out by the sound of the crowd as they called her, demanding this or that. I reached out my hand to her, but we were whirled apart in that wild dance.
And then the mad tide receded, and all I saw was an endless beach. Dark clouds gathered in the sky overhead, and a cold wind moaned across the sands. And on that beach, far apart, separated seemingly by more than the distance between them, two figures sat and sobbed.
Tuesday, 09 October 2007
Changed @ 18:07 - Link - comments
We went to the machine under the wall yesterday, to see what scrolls would be given up by a few accumulated glowies. We were hoping to get some mods to replace those of Ellyana's that had failed. But we were out of luck as far as that was concerned. However we obtained some useful teles, and I found myself clutching a couple of mods to increase a weapon's value.
Next stop was to track down Haggie. I offloaded some odds and ends from my vault, and fortunately all the weapon mods worked just fine, so the bank balance isn't looking too bad for the moment!
The treatment I brought back from my travels seem to be having the desired effect, and Ellyana's wound appears to be starting to mend at long last.
We spoke about the attitude of some people to others. It seems that there are some who will not take advice, who do not seem prepared to deal with others in any sort of courteous manner, looking only for what others can do for them. There is one who, I think, will discover these lands can be a lonely place when you have no-one to call on ...
Strike thr - no, not just yet. Strike two-and-a-half, maybe - and that's being generous. Still, they may yet learn how to get on with others. We'll see.
I must get back to Ellyana. She is troubled right now, and I need to do what I can to ease her mind.
Monday, 08 October 2007
Changed @ 17:00 - Link - comments
I met up with Ellyana in Milltown and we headed to the guildhall with the intention of using the medication I'd been given on her wound. However, we'd no sooner got to the vineyard than someone was calling on her, asking for blessings.
There's just no understanding some people. The person we were looking for was heading out of Milltown, and clearly expected us to come running after him. When he finally deigned to return to Milltown, he no sooner had Ellyana's blessings than he was off again without a word. Now I'm not particularly worried about what people think of me, but I do object to people taking advantage of my lady. I sent a short note to this person, outlining what I consider to be basic good manners for someone who's asked a cleric for their blessings. The note must have worked, as Ellyana later received a short message of thanks from the person about who I speak.
Strike one ...
Then later, the same person again messaged Ellyana, stating at what time he would achieve his level, and would she sponsor him into clerichood. She felt bound to agree to this, rather than spend all her time in the future having to explain to all and sundry why she declined to sponsor someone. Then as I understand from Ellyana, he didn't even show up at the agreed time to take his profession!
Strike two ...

We eventually had some time for ourselves, and I treated Ellyana's wound as I'd been instructed. Now we just have to wait for a few days to check the results.

Later, we sat in the vineyard, chatting about this and that. And from the conversation, something wonderful has emerged. But more about that some other time ...

Sunday, 07 October 2007
Changed @ 17:41 - Link - comments
I have what I need to treat Ellyana. I've been given strips of the bark of a tree unknown in the lands which need to be bound around her leg and left in place for a few days. Also I have a lotion extracted from a small shrub, which I am told has the properties of reducing swelling and will also keep the wound clean. These two should stop the problems which the princess has been getting from that wound, and hopefully will resolve the problem. If the treatment is successful, then the trip, though meaning I have been apart from the princess for a while, will have been worthwhile.

It was a difficult decision to make this journey. Ellyana, with the memory of recent events in her mind, was concerned for my safety, though I did what I could to reassure her that the land I needed to visit this time is far safer than areas I have been to before. And in these dark days, how safe are we at home? With increasing numbers of raids and increasing numbers of evil creatures appearing a journey to find a cure for my love is no more dangerous than staying in the lands.
The worst part of it is that the trip has kept me Ellyana. But the treatments I have brought back stand a good chance of curing her hurts.
In the end, the decision was inevitable to my way of thinking. The journey stands a good chance of yielding a cure for my love, and her health and well-being, and her happiness, are more important to me than anything else.
Short of any unexpected disaster, I can look after myself very well. And this journey has allowed me to do something for my lady - it was obvious I could do no more for her with the treatments we had to hand. I'm sure I made the right decision.
Friday, 05 October 2007
Changed @ 05:47 - Link - comments
For the last couple of days, Ellyana and I have been hunting in the desert. We've had a fairly profitable time of it, too. We've taken a fair bit of coin from the creatures we've slain, and accumulated a few glowies, so we will take a trip to the machine soon. We've also been lucky enough to stumble across a couple of wp's.
Ellyana's wound shows no sign of full recovery, and worse, she's picked up another injury. Obviously she's used her healing powers, and I've done what I can for her, but these wounds are slow to heal. Who heals the healer? That thought has been in my mind for a couple of days now, and at last I've hopefully thought of a solution.
People I knew in my past spend their time in the forests and on the grasslands. Their knowledge of plants and herbs may lead to the possibility that they will find a remedy for Ellyana's ailments. Their knowledge is not greater than that of the Princess, but different. They may have knowledge of healing herbs and substances unknown in these lands. I have to find out.
Ellyana was understandably upset when I told her where I was going - the memory of my last trip is too fresh. But I'm at a loss as to what else I can do for her right now. The path I must follow this time is safe. I've assured her of that.
My heart is heavy at leaving my love for a time, but also full of hope that I will find something to ease her hurt. The chance is there, and I must take it.
Wednesday, 03 October 2007
Changed @ 16:42 - Link - comments
At last I've been able to once more set myself against the creatures that infest these lands. My blades, recently repaired by Denion, have been truly tested this day.
I went first to Kili searching for guardians, but all I found were smouldering embers. They're annoying - I get nothing from them, and their drops are cumbersome. I decided to try my luck in the N'rolav desert. I fought my way through unnumbered scorpions and zombies, searching for the elusive guardians. I tracked down a few, but all except one dropped only dull crystals. Ellyana caught up with me after a while, and our old game is up and running once more!
It felt so good to be in action after such a long enforced break, and the exercise has broken the last of my fever. I'm glad to be back to full health as I need to look after Ellyana for a while. I'm nothing like the healer she is, but I'm doing what I can for her.
And then it'll be back to training. I'd better get used to N'rolav - I guess I'm going to be there for a long time to come.

Tuesday, 02 October 2007
Changed @ 17:47 - Link - comments (1)
I hadn't realised until I'd spoken to Ellyana how bad a condition I was in when she found me wandering around Milltown. Apparently, though I could hardly stand, I kept insisting that I had to get to the bank for something. At times I told her that I had been to the bank to fetch something, and that I was trying to find my way back to the guildhall.
As I said before, she and Kias got me back there, and with Ellyana's tender care and some rest, I am almost recovered.
I didn't realise that Ellyana too was injured - I guess I was too far gone to notice at the time. But since, I've been helping as best I can to help her heal her wounds.
I didn't really comprehend, that night at the hall, how much Ellyana appreciated her gift - I was simply delighted that I'd brought it back intact, though I'm still unsure why I made two trips to Milltown when I could hardly walk or see where I was, once to leave her bracelet in the bank, and again to withdraw it. The bracelet is a wonderful piece of Denion's art, alternate links made of tiny silver replicas of a rogue's lockpick, and gold minature copies of a cleric's holy ring.
Now that I've rested and recovered, I can see the smile on my lady's face as she examines the bracelet, her eyes shining with light reflected from its exquisite workmanship.
You who read this may wonder if the gift was worth the problems that arose as I brought it to Ellyana? All I can say is that though I bitterly regret the pain and heartbreak the delay in my return caused Ellyana, when I see her face glowing with pleasure as she examines the bracelet then yes, every moment of my pain, every drop of blood I lost, are a small price to pay for the joy of seeing the smile my small gift brings to her face.
Monday, 01 October 2007
Changed @ 16:46 - Link - comments
Eventually, after a journey of which I have absolutely no recollection, I found Ellyana. Well actually, the reverse is true. She found me wandering in Milltown, and with the help of Kias took me to the hall. Ellyana healed the last of my wounds, and I've eaten and rested, and the fever that's held me these last few days is just about gone.
The one thing I remember is that I had to make sure Ellyana's gift was safe. I found my way to the bank for some reason, then she caught up with me as I stood in the street at Milltown, rummaging through my pack. I found the bracelet after we'd got to the hall, and I felt easier in my mind once the princess had her gift.
I woke feeling more human than I have done for days. Ellyana's been talking about hope, and I feel that hope has been revitalised in me along with my health and strength.
There are some matters I need to catch up on, things that have arisen during my enforced absence, and then it's back to training.